Florida: VR Systems takes ‘full responsibility’ for election websites crashing | Ana Goñi-Lessan/Tallahassee Democrat
Election supervisor websites crashed in multiple Florida counties on Tuesday after the company that supports the sites said they suffered “extraordinary stress.” “We believe the logging that was enabled as a security measure was at the root of the issues that our customers experienced,” VR Systems, the Tallahassee-based elections software company, said on Tuesday evening. Leon, Palm Beach, Manatee, Sarasota and Broward and other counties’ websites were experiencing technical issues, could not be accessed or were timing out. Almost an hour after polls closed, Lake and Palm Beach still did not have results pages. In an updated statement released Wednesday afternoon, VR Systems said the glitches affected every clients’ website that they host, and they “take full responsibility.” It is not yet known how many Florida counties were affected and what time all the issues were resolved. Read Article