Alabama: Alabama backs Shelby County in Voting Rights Act appeal |
The state of Alabama has officially sided with Shelby County in its fight to have key sections of the Voting Rights Act declared unconstitutional. “To be clear: There are still race-relations problems in Alabama, just as there are race-relations problems in every state of our Union. But today’s Alabama has come a long way from the past that justified (Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act) some 40 years ago,” wrote lawyers for the Alabama Attorney General’s Office.
Shelby County, a mostly white and strongly Republican area, sued the U.S. Justice Department last year over the decision by Congress in 2006 to extend the historic civil rights-era law by another 25 years. The county’s case, financed by a nonprofit interest group, argues that the law is outdated and too much of a burden because it requires that local election procedures get approved in advance by the federal government.