National: Parties Prepare for Post-Election Legal Battles | Roll Call
Election Day is still weeks away, but both parties are already gearing up for post-election legal battles over the House and Senate race outcomes. Recounts in close races are only one scenario among many that party operatives refer to as “overtime” or “post-
election activities.” Lawyers and campaign committees are trying to be ready for whatever they may face on the morning of Nov. 7. “On a weekly basis, we have been doing training with lawyers in key districts,” a national GOP operative said. “Each state is different; each process is different.” Party committees are also actively fundraising to cover post-election legal fees. Aides say that elections can be lost after the polls have closed and that being caught unprepared for a post-election dispute could be fatal to a campaign. One Democratic operative said he considers preparations for legal challenges as important as get-out-the-vote efforts.