Russian hackers targeted US electoral systems during the 2016 presidential election. Much has been done since then to bolster those systems, but J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan’s Center for Computer Security and Society, says they are still worryingly vulnerable (see “Four big targets in the cyber battle over the US ballot box”). MIT Technology Review’s Martin Giles discussed election security with Halderman, who has testified about it before Congress and evaluated voting systems in the US, Estonia, India, and elsewhere.
Lots of things, from gerrymandering to voter ID disputes, could undermine the integrity of the US electoral process. How big an issue is hacking in comparison?
Things like gerrymandering are a question of political squabbling within the rules of the game for American democracy. When it comes to election hacking, we’re talking about attacks on the United States by hostile foreign governments. That’s not playing by the rules of American politics; that’s an attempt to subvert the foundations of our democracy.