National: The U.S is getting hacked. So the Pentagon is overhauling its approach to cyber. | Maggie Miller and Lara Seligman/Politico
The Defense Department’s secretive branch, U.S. Cyber Command, is shifting its approach due to the evolving landscape of cyberwarfare. Recent high-profile cyberattacks from Russia, China, and criminal networks have prompted a realization that collaboration is now imperative. Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting private companies and government agencies beyond the Pentagon’s typical scope. Consequently, the Defense Department is engaging with other federal agencies, private sectors, and foreign allies to address cyber threats to critical systems, including elections. This shift marks a departure from the previous focus on protecting military networks, as the Pentagon recognizes the need to defend against a broader range of cyber threats, including ransomware attacks on private businesses crucial to the U.S. economy. Read Article