The Voting News Weekly: The Voting News Weekly September 17-23 2012
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USAToday reported on the continuing concern over the accuracy and reliability of America’s aging electronic voting equipment. Early Voting began in several States, while court challenges over controversial voting laws are still pending. Voting rights advocates expressed concern over organized polling place challengers. Secretary of State Scott Gessler is undaunted by the lack of evidence of voter fraud in his quest to purge Colorado’s voter rolls. Similarly Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schulz continues to defend controversial changes in his State’s eligibility rules. New York City voters complained about ballots that are difficult to read. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court sent a challenge to the State’s Voter ID law back to a lower court. Opposition parties called for a boycott of Belarus parliamentary elections, while Georgia once again experiences cyber attacks in advance of elections.
- National: Electronic voting’s the real threat to elections |
- National: Amid court challenges, early voting begins in U.S. election | Reuters
- National: The Ballot Cops | The Atlantic
- Colorado: Lack of evidence doesn’t stop Colorado from going after voter fraud |
- Iowa: Secretary of State’s voter eligibility investigation on hold after judge issues injunction | Des Moines Register
- New York: New York City Voters Annoyed by Hard-to-Read Ballots |
- Pennsylvania: State Supreme Court Vacates Lower Court Voter ID Ruling |
- Belarus: Go fishing on election day, Belarus opposition urges people | Reuters
- Georgia (Sakartvelo): Cyber attack underscores political rivals in Georgia |