National: Questions on Pompeo’s certainty about secure midterms | Politico
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday said there was “no question” the U.S. midterm elections would be safe from foreign interference, a level of certitude that is … shall we say, not widely shared? “That’s a dangerous level of confidence for someone in that position to have,” Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer science professor at the forefront of the election security debate, told MC. Halderman said that perhaps intelligence sources might not see any indications of foreign planning to further disrupt elections, but “frankly, you don’t know what you don’t know.” Democratic Rep. Mike Quigley said this about Pompeo: “I wish I could be so confident.” Robert Johnston, credited with discovering the DNC hack while working at CrowdStrike and now CEO of Adlumin, told MC there are already signs Russia has interfered in the 2018 races. Some of the suspect incidents have surfaced in California’s congressional races and the U.S. Senate.