The Voting News Daily: KS vote flipping. NASS-overseas vote must be recountable! DISCLOSE Fails

NASS resolution – State Election Officials: Recountable Process A Must for Overseas Voters. (internet or email voting does not provide that)…The DISCLOSE Act fails…”MONEY & POLITICS: Aetna, Humana, Other Insurers Mull New Group to Influence November Races”…Candidate reports touchscreen vote flipping in Johnson County Kansas…Michigan Sleuths Find Link Between Dem Party Official and the Ballot-Qualified…

Verified Voting Blog: State Election Officials: Recountable Process a Must for Overseas Voters

Last week, the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) adopted a resolution acknowledging both serious security and privacy concerns related to Internet voting and the need for a verifiable, recountable election process. Verified Voting applauds NASS for adopting this official position. Military and overseas voters (also called “UOCAVA voters” after the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) were a major topic at NASS”s summer conference last week in Providence, Rhode Island. States are now working hard to implement a recently enacted amendment to UOCAVA, the Military and Overseas Voter Emplowerment Act of 2009 (MOVE). The MOVE Act’s requirements include delivery of ballots to military and overseas voters 45 days prior to Federal elections and the option for electronic delivery of blank ballots to UOCAVA voters. One of the primary topics at the conference was a policy not required by MOVE: the use of the Internet for the return of completed ballots to election officials. Some states, for example West Virginia and Arizona, are experimenting with various forms of Internet voting, and over 30 states now allow, under varying circumstances, e-mail or fax delivery of voted ballots from UOCAVA voters.