The Voting News Weekly: The Voting News Weekly May 13-19 2013

miami_notebooksCongressmen Keith Ellison and Marc Pocan have proposed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to vote.  The New York Times considered the  campaign finance issues that underlie the actions of the IRS Determination Board that have dominated the news this week. Details of absentee ballot fraud were revealed in the notes of an alleged ballot broker in Miami-Dade County. Takoma Park, Maryland will allow 16 and 17 year old residents to vote in municipal elections. Doug Chapin at Election Academy considered some of the election administration issues involved should a proposal to allow non-citizens to vote in New York City be adopted. Ohio Republicans have proposed that academic institutions that provide identification necessary for students to vote also grant such students in-state tuition. Canada’s Liberal Party held a online primary in spite of criticism from computer security experts and observers reported evidence of voter intimidation and vote rigging in Pakistan’s election.