The Voting News Weekly: The Voting News Weekly April 29 – May 3 2013

pol_fec1913__01__630x420With the expiration of Federal Election Commissioner Caroline Hunter’s term on April 30, all the members of the agency that enforces the nation’s campaign laws are now serving expired terms. Michael McDonald considered the demographics of online voter registration. The California Assembly adopted a measure that would allow for an internet voting pilot project. After a raucous floor debate extending beyond midnight, the Colorado Senate sent a contentious election reform package to the Governor, while in Florida a bill rolling back many of the changes made in 2011 passed in the last hours of the legislative session. A Pennsylvania judge has ordered the state to turn over information from its databases of voters and drivers in a case challenging the State’s Voter ID law. A report released by Elections Canada found that more than 165,000 people appear to have voted improperly in the last election and the Malaysian Election Commission denied rumors that the indelible ink used to combat voter fraud was in fact ‘delible.’