The Voting News Weekly: The Voting News Weekly February 11-17 2013

Computer experts and advocates from the Verified Voting Advisory Board issued a statement on the dangers of Internet Voting. President Obama proposed a bipartisan commission to tackle problems that arose in November’s elections. The proposal met with resistance from both sides of the political spectrum and generated several thoughtful commentaries. The Election Protection Coalition released a report detailing issues faced by voters last November and the New York Times editorialized in favor of voter registration modernization. The Florida legislature reversed some of the controversial election law changes it had passed in 2011. The incoming election official in Luzerne County Pennsylvania revealed that the county has paid $45,000 to ES&S for unused ballot design software raising the issue of single-source vendor contracts. Armenians go to the polls under the cloud of an assassination attempt on one of the Presidential candidates and Iran began to clamp down on digital media in advance of elections.