The Voting News Weekly: TVN Weekly September 26 – October 2 2011

Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory demonstrated a low cost and relatively low tech method of remotely hacking electronic voting machines. Activists in in Ohio gathered more than enough signatures to put the State’s controversial election law on hold for the 2012 elections. The Maine Secretary of State sent a letter to out-of-state college students encouraging them to re-register in their home States. The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that electronic images of voted ballots should be open for public inspection. Two computer science professors began a forensic auit of Venango County’s iVotronic voting system. The New York Times posted an editorial examining the worldwide disillusionment with the democratic political process and the Charleston Post and Courier called for an independent audit of South Carolina’s voting systems. And Saudi King Abdullah announced that the nation’s women would gain the right to vote and run as candidates in the next municipal elections in 2015.