The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) registered 837 029 voters during 44 days of voter registration exercise, according to the commission’s chairman Alhagie Mustapha Carayol. He expressed satisfaction over the just concluded voters’ registration, saying: ‘’at the end of the 44 days of the exercise, the provisional number of registered voters is 837, 029.’’
Chairman Carayol told a press conference at the commission’s headquarters Thursday ‘’I seized the opportunity to register the electoral body’s gratitude to the Government of the Republic of the Gambia for entirely and exclusively funding the General Registration of voters exercise.”
“The Commission is also indebted to all the stakeholders in the electoral process for a job well done. However, as the Chairman of the IEC, I will not do justice if I do not profusely thank both the permanent and temporal staff of the Commission for selflessly, conscientiously and professionally carrying out their varied tasks,” he said.
Far from succumbing to an auto-satisfaction, he acknowledged the fact that the registration exercise encountered some initial difficulties. He therefore revealed that a laptop which was being used at the Dippakunda Mosque registration centre was stolen. “This was an unfortunate situation for seemingly there is no fear of God for stealing at a place of worship. The laptop is yet to be found.”
At this juncture, some IEC officials spared no efforts to assure the gathering that there is no need to worry about the encrypted data as this will prevent unauthorized persons from accessing or understanding the data contained on the laptop.
Full Article: Gambia’s electoral commission registers 837 029 voters.