Floyd County Elections Board Chairman Pete McDonald said the malfunctioning touch screen voting machine at Alto Park has been sent to the manufacturer in an attempt to access the 85 uncounted votes it holds. McDonald said Merle King at the Georgia Elections Center at Kennesaw State University reported that attempts to retrieve the election data from the memory card or from the archive memory were unsuccessful.
“We tried unsuccessfully Tuesday evening to process the votes on the machine and the Georgia Elections Center staff have also been unable to process the votes from the machine,” McDonald wrote in a press release Wednesday evening. “The voting machine is being sent to the ES&S (provider of the Georgia elections system) center in Omaha for a resolution.” The balance of the votes from the Alto Park precinct will be processed and added to the total vote count by Friday, he said.
Source: RN-T.com – Elections officials Faulty voting machine contains 85 votes.