The resolution was taken at the party’s annual conference in Shakawe over the weekend. Yesterday, party spokesperson Dithapelo Keorapetse confirmed that the conference has mandated the central committee to engage government and delay the amendment of the electoral law pending full consultations with political parties as the key stakeholders. “The central committee of the party will advise itself on how to deal with the issue. Parliamentary and extra-parliamentary strategies such as peaceful protests and litigation will be explored,” said Keorapetse.
Earlier on at the conference, BCP president Dumelang Saleshando said he is deeply worried by the urgency with which the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) led government wants to introduce electronic voting. The Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) has also expressed the same worry as the BCP president. Saleshando said the BDP, which is currently facing greater threats from the opposition, wants to introduce electronic voting in order to manipulate votes in its favour so that it remains in power.
Electronic voting is discredited in some countries because some of the machines used in the process (electronic voting) are prone to manipulation.
Full Article: Mmegi Online :: BCP proposes halting electronic voting.