Whether residents of Guam should be able to vote for President may be brought up in federal court. We the People Project, a nonprofit organization that aims to fight for the rights of residents in Guam and other U.S. territories, is hoping to file a federal lawsuit on the issue by fall, according to a press release. “It’s simple — the right to vote for president should not depend on where you live,” Neil Weare, president and founder of the project, said in the release “That’s not how democracy is supposed to work. Guam’s sons and daughters proudly serve in uniform to defend democracy overseas; they should have the right to fully participate in democracy at home.”
The organization is encouraging Guam residents to participate in a survey online, which will help find people who support the purpose of the lawsuit, according to Leevin Camacho, one of the attorneys working on the case.
Currently about 1,000 residents from Guam and other territories have completed the survey, the release stated. The organization hopes to reach 2,000 responses by the end of summer.
Full Article: Presidential vote issue may be brought to federal court | Pacific Daily News | guampdn.com.