A fraudulent registration website, www.registertovote.org, offers a false voter registration form which claims to register citizens to vote in any state.
Secretary of State Tom Schedler and the staff of the Elections Compliance Unit are warning citizens who want to register to vote to do so by visiting www.GeauxVote.com.
The Louisiana voter registration form provided on the website is not the approved Louisiana registration form and requests information from the citizen that the official form does not such as height, weight and employment information. The official online registration system at www.GeauxVote.com is secure and protects the personal information for all citizens who register to vote.
“The website is hosted in another country, and is currently being investigated by the Attorney General’s Office,” Schedler said.
“I ask all citizens to be aware of this issue, not only to protect the integrity of our elections system in Louisiana, but also to protect their own confidential information.”
Full Article: Officials warn of fraudulent voter registration website | The News Star | thenewsstar.com.