The House is poised to take up legislation that will make it easier to vote by absentee ballot, but eliminate straight-party ticket voting at the same time. Republicans in the Senate have already passed the elimination of straight-ticket voting, which Democrats believe is a partisan ploy to skew elections toward the GOP. The House Elections Committee will take up the legislation today after it voted Wednesday to pass a bill that would allow people to get an absentee ballot without providing a reason for needing to vote on a day other than Election Day. State Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto, said she’d like to see the two bills passed together to ensure smooth and efficient elections.
“We’re winding down with the last few days of session and I wanted to make sure that we’re putting election reform policy in a good position to continue moving through the process,” she said. “We need to be very cognizant of what the policy means and the impacts it will have on election days at the polls.”
Local and county clerks are almost universally opposed to the elimination of straight-party voting because of the impact it will have on lines at voting precincts, especially in heavily populated areas. Instead of having the option of filling out one box for either all Republican or all Democratic candidates, voters will have to scroll through often lengthy ballots and choose in each national, state and local race for elected officials.
Full Article: House to take up absentee, straight-party voting today.