The Election Commission is expected to announce on Monday its decision on the demand for ‘cycle’ symbol by the two warring factions of the Samajwadi Party. The EC, after hearing both the sides on Friday, had reserved its verdict on the issue. Samajwadi Party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav and his son and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav have been asserting their respective claims over the party’s election symbol ‘cycle’.
Mulayam Singh has been insisting on his right to the symbol being the party founder and also its “present President”. Meanwhile, Akhilesh was appointed the “President” of the party at an “emergency national convention” called on January 1 in Lucknow.
The meeting was convened by Akhilesh’s confidant and Rajya Sabha member Ram Gopal Yadav.
The Akhilesh-led faction has been claiming ownership to the symbol, saying that it enjoyed the support of the majority of the party’s members of Parliament and the legislators.
Full Article: Election Commission to Decide Fate of \’Cycle\’ Symbol Tomorrow.