Yesterday’s voter turnout of 92.07% was the lowest turnout figure since the 1966 election, although it was only less than one percentage point lower than 2013’s turnout figure of 92.98%. In what can be described as a very long and painstaking night in politics, both the Nationalist and Labour parties have spent hours poring over the voter turnout figures in each electoral district, closely analysing who were those who decided to not cast a vote in yesterday’s general election.
The lowest turnout was in the 12th District, which saw a turnout rate of 87.84%, while the highest was in the Fourth District, which saw 93.85% of eligible voters casting a vote.
Officials from both parties who spoke to this newsroom confirmed that the data on who ‘stayed home’ in this election is the first barometer to indicate which way the election will sway.
Full Article: Updated – Election 2017: 92.07% turnout lowest since 1966 – The Malta Independent.