At present, 13 of the state’s 15 counties are linked into the state system, but the two counties each maintain their own voter systems and databases. Pima County recently spent $4 million upgrading and implementing its system. The Secretary of State is exploring the possibility of replacing the statewide system with a more modern platform. The Arizona system was one of two systems nationwide that was hacked last summer. Following an FBI investigation, it was thought to be by Russian hackers. During the investigation, the state system, as well as the 13 counties on the system, were shut down for a week. “Maricopa and Pima Counties were able to keep working, processing voter requests, processing whatever we needed to do,” said Pima County Recorder F. Ann Rodriquez.
Rodriquez says the county wants to keep the system it has rather than become part of the state system. “You want us to give up the system that we have that works,” she said. “The two biggest counties need to be able to do what we do for the citizens who live in our counties.”
Reagan issued a response to our questions about why she wants to make the system uniform statewide. “…It became obvious there were differences of opinion and some serious concerns regarding the Secretary of State’s role in administering the statewide voter registration database,” Reagan said. “It is my hope a formal opinion will provide the clarity needed for all so that we can move forward collectively fulfilling all of our responsibilities to the voters of Arizona.”
Both counties in question, upload voter registration data to the state as required by state law. But some information concerning mail-in registration, purging of the rolls, and provisional ballots remain in the county database.
Full Article: Dispute arises from state query about election system – Tucson News Now.