The voter registration deadline is extended for those impacted by Hurricane Florence. The extension is part of the Hurricane Florence Emergency Response Act. The deadline is now extended to 5 P.M. on October 15th. The change is for the 28 counties heavily impacted by the storm. In the East that includes: Lenoir, Pitt, Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico counties. In the remaining 72 counties, the deadlines remains Friday October 12th.
Voter registration forms must be postmarked or delivered to your county elections office by 5 P.M. on or before your deadline.
Eligible individuals who miss the regular deadline can still register in-person during early voting which runs from October 17th through November 3rd.
Election day is November 6th.
Source: Voter registration deadline extended for Hurricane Florence victims.