He went ahead and did it. Of course he did. Bashing California is way too much fun and easy for President Trump. California Democratic leaders shouldn’t be shocked. Politically, they had it coming, proudly emerging as the president’s chief antagonist while revving up their liberal and Latino bases. Not that Trump didn’t deserve it. He has been feeding his political base by assailing California and immigrants in the country illegally since first running for president. But when a state plays hardball with a president — especially a brawler like Trump — it should expect to get hit hard. A president always has a bigger bat.
In the 2020 decennial census, Trump wants to hurt California politically and financially, as well as find more immigrants to deport.
That’s not what he’s saying. But virtually no one buys the official version of why he plans to ask everyone in America whether they are a U.S. citizen. The administration claims it’s to help enforce the Voting Rights Act. Citizenship data is needed, it contends, to determine the accurate number of eligible voters in regions where abuses are alleged.
Full Article: Trump administration says a citizenship question on the census will help enforce voting rights. Sure..