North Carolina Senate Democrats are slated to introduce a new bill Tuesday that would impact how many people might be registered to vote in time for the next election. Senate Bill 704, known as the Universal Senate Voter Registration Bill, is aimed at getting more people registered to vote. The bill proposes automatic voter registration at driver’s license offices, public agencies, community colleges and state universities. It also requires the bi-partisan state Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement to implement an outreach campaign informing citizens of automatic voter registration. Sen. Paul Lowe Jr. said the bill will make registration easier and in turn increase voter turnout.
“I think people are working diffrent than they worked in the past, schedules are very very different, and particularly with poor people. transportation, all these kids of things,” Lowe said. “So if we can have voter registration so that you can do it at the community college, if you’re a student or if you’re getting a new license or getting a license period, you can do it at the DMV, I think all of these kind of things would make it easier and more convenient and i think thats a good thing.”
North Carolina isn’t the only state to consider automatic voter registration. Nine states and the District of Columbia have already approved it. In 2017, 32 states intoduced similar proposals, accordign to the Brennan Institute.
Full Article: State Democrats set to introduce voter registration bill | WCTI.