After last week’s House Elections Committee heard overwhelmingly negative testimony against a piece of photo voter ID legislation offered by Rep. Justin Alferman, the Senate had their turn to hear from opponents of the measure. While Sen. Will Kraus’, R-Lee’s Summitt, bill did receive some support from those who sought to prevent voter fraud, those who testified in opposition expressed their fears that this measure could unintentionally disenfranchise people of their fundamental right to vote. … “We can’t support any legislation that would disenfranchise a single eligible Missouri voter,” said John Scott of Secretary of State Jason Kander’s office. “The way that the legislation tries to accommodate for some of the folks that wouldn’t have that ID or have access to that ID doesn’t fully or adequately protect their right to vote.”
Scott noted, after prompted by a question from Sen. Jill Schupp, D-St. Louis, that one problem with the legislation was that the identification provided to those who lacked a Missouri driver’s license was subject to appropriation. Schupp wondered what would happen if funds could not be provided in the legislation.
“When you start talking about fundamental rights like they’re subject to appropriation, that’s pretty dangerous,” he said.
Full Article: Photo voter ID bill heard in Senate | Missouri Times.