Despite some lawmakers leaving early, 59 representatives happened to still be in the House on Friday afternoon when Rep. Nancy York stood to talk. She explained what’s behind changes sought for parts of South Dakota’s election laws. York, R-Watertown, said election officials in different states are backing away from direct electronic recording of votes. South Dakota law allows it but it hasn’t been used. Security of a person’s ballot is the main reason. HB 1013 would repeal references to direct electronic recording from state law, she said.
The state Board of Elections doesn’t want someone to attempt it in the future. The board, chaired by Secretary of State Shantel Krebs, brought the measure.
“Any questions?” York asked. No other House member stood up.
“Easy day,” remarked Rep. Steven Haugaard, R-Sioux Falls. He was presiding for the afternoon as House speaker pro tem. House members voted 59-0 for HB 1013. The measure now moves to the Senate for a committee hearing.
Source: House approves repealing direct electronic recording | The Daily Republic.