The Center Party, which insists the country’s vaunted electronic voting system is flawed, has made a freedom of information request to the state electoral committee to get e-voting server log files from the 2011 general elections. “In light of our deep doubts about the security of e-elections, we are asking the electoral committee about e-voting software ownership issues and the contracts under which the software was commissioned,” said MP Priit Toobal. Toobal said Center was interested in whether the 2011 e-voting software was audited and if so, what the results of the audit were. Toobal also said the party made a proposal to test the 2013 local election e-voting system and software.
“It would be reasonable to give those interested a chance during a certain interval to be able to attack the system with impunity in order to test whether it is secure,” the party’s request reads.
According to Center, the request stems from a TV program aired by ERR in 2011 where investigative reporters demonstrated that e-voting could be sabotaged by software, ascertaining the identity of a voter and the content of the vote, forwarding it to a third party. It alleged that the developer of such a program could block votes selectively, with the voter having no indication that his or her vote did not reach the electoral committee.
Source: Alleging Flaws, E-Voting Critics Make Request for 2011 Log Files | Politics | News | ERR.