On Sept. 1, a new provision will be put into effect regarding New Hampshire voting procedures. Currently, if a voter doesn’t have ID when they go to the polls they are able to fill out a challenge affidavit and have their identity verified after the election. The new provision would require town moderators to take a color photo of the person filling out the affidavit, print it, and then attach it to the form. This provision has worried many town moderators and clerks, in part because earlier this month the New Hampshire House Finance Committee decided to cut funding for the provision. Without the $137,000 originally included in the bill, every municipality would either have to buy the cameras and equipment to satisfy the provision or have moderators use their own cameras.
Kathleen Hoelzel, a state representative and the Raymond town moderator, said that there’s a push in the House to again fund the provision before it’s put into effect this fall. Hoelzel said that while she has reservations about photos being taken at the polling place, she will still comply with the new law.
“I think we definitely need photo IDs,” Hoelzel said, “It also assists the ballot clerks in identifying the name on the registration list. I think it help prevents voter fraud. I don’t have a problem with that. I have a problem with not paying for it (the provision) but demanding.”
Full Article: Law requires photos of provisional voters – News – seacoastonline.com – Portsmouth, NH.